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Monday 14 October 2024

QR Gospel


This is the day of the QR Code. I’ve noticed it more here in LA than back in Banchory. Every announcement about an event at the church I attended pointed the interested participant to check out the QR Code.

Now I do know how to use a QR Code, but I am in that generation that prefers to receive information without having to use a device to get it.

I wonder how Jesus would structure a sermon today? ‘I am the bread of life,’ he might declare, ‘and if you don’t understand that, just check out the QR code on the bottom of your bulletin.’

Or maybe, if faced with a hungry crowd of thousands who’d listened all day to him sharing the secrets of the Kingdom of God, he’d direct his disciples to display the QR codes for nearby eateries.

Just a bit of fun before I fly.

Sunday 13 October 2024

Halloween Part 2


Still a bit haunted by Halloween.

It’s easy to see the plastic skeletons posed all over people’s lawns and porches, and wonder what the homeowners are thinking of. But I just read 1 Cor 10:12-13, ’So if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!’

It made me wonder what skeletons lurk on the lawns and porches of my thoughts?

I may not be scared (any more) by plastic skeletons, but plenty of things invoke fear. This whole situation with Mom is fraught with fears of various kinds: finance and the future are the main ones. But fear is the denial of faith, and so once again I come to God for assurance that He is in control, and all will be well, all manner of things will be well.

Jesus, for the joy set before him, could face and see beyond the cross. Lord, bless Mom with vision to see beyond the cross she is bearing right now. May she move from the overwhelming helplessness and pain into a place of anticipation of all that’s coming, beyond the cross. May I, too, occupy that place of peace and joy, anticipating the great things Jesus has in store.

Skeletons in the Yards


On my regular walks down to the beach from the street I park on, I counted ten skeletons in the front yards. One or two are giants, towering over the average person, fixed in threatening poses. Plus three witches, gathered round a cauldron, and numerous spider webs. I’m glad I’m not with my grandchildren, who would be terrified.

It’s not a case for Rumpole (whose stories I’ve been enjoying while sitting beside Mom’s bed).

Halloween is coming, and in this Christian country it is amazing to see so many people happy to celebrate the dark side. To see it as just a bit of harmless fun.

We are all made up of such a mish-mash of ideas and thoughts, many of which are bland and tasteless, but others which can taint our spirits and twist our vision so our understanding is distorted and false.

On this Sunday morning, as I get ready to go celebrate Jesus as Saviour and Lord, I pray for clarity of thought and attitude. I lift Jesus higher.

In this scary season, may our fun be harmless and our joy be in the Lord, today and always.

Friday 11 October 2024

Out in Joy and Peace, I pray


“Am I in a situation not of my own choosing?”

This question was posed in yesterday’s Lectio on Jeremiah 29:1, 4-7.

“Am I resentful? What if God wants me here?”

This is not the same post as yesterday’s, when I was filled with such a sense of serenity and peace, strong to entrust God with the details of this hard situation.

Tonight I’m praying through a tough day, when the detail of life as Mom is experiencing it now was just hard. When confusion led to temper flares, and my patience was tested and faltered.

Then I came back and read through the verses a dear friend gave me this morning, from Isaiah 55:8-9:

‘For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,’ declares the Lord. ‘As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.’

Boy, rarely have those words rung so true!

But then comes the promise in verse 12:

‘For you shall go out in joy, and be led back in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall burst into song, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.’

Roll on that blessed day. Lead on, Lord Jesus.

And in the meantime, Lord, equip Mom, and equip me, to accept the situation you allow to continue. May we both ‘have power to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge – that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.’ Ephesians 3:18-21



Thursday 10 October 2024

The Divine Signature


“Am I in a situation not of my own choosing?”

This question was posed in today’s Lectio on Jeremiah 29:1, 4-9.

“Am I resentful? What if God wants me here?”

I am praising God for seeing me and revealing to me more clearly what my attitude and response should be. I am a captive in this situation not out of duty, but out of choice, because of my deep love for my amazing mother. But more than that, I am a captive in this situation because God wants me in it. And the situation will last as long as he has purpose in it.

I can entrust him with the rising financial obligations that come with increased care needs. I can hold before the throne of grace all the staff who work hard and with kindness for low salaries. I can petition against a capitalist attitude in the organization’s management, which sees a care home as a business, not a service.

And I can pray for dear Mom, who is certainly in a situation not of her choosing. That even in her limited understanding, she would be content and at peace as she trusts in God.

Lord, remove any knots of resentment in Mom and me. Enable us to relax into your everlasting arms, pray with faith and hope, and look with eager expectation for your divine signature writ large across each day.

Wednesday 9 October 2024

Murky Twilight but the Dawn is Coming


After a walk along the beach, I sank onto a bench and just sat and stared. Under a heavily clouded / foggy sky, the ocean reflected shades of grey. The crashing surf pounded into white foam where it met the fine sand. A father and his wee girl capered on the beach: their laughter echoed back to me, a lovely balm.

A ghostly sun tried valiantly to break through the clouds, without success.

I sat on and stared as a cohort of pelicans, that most prehistoric of looking birds, swooped low over the waves. I’ve yet to see one dive and catch its dinner, but they are on the lookout for sure.

Before my walk, I’d spent several hours sitting with Mom. Such a blessing for us both. We could feel Jesus near, and she even said her goodbyes as she said how excited she was for heaven, and that we will be together there forever, with everyone else who has gone before. Then she’d pursed her lips and we kissed goodbye. She slept – and woke up a little later, chatting and strong still.

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. Jesus shines in the murky twilight of life, and one day – sooner or later – he will light Mom up and embrace her into the kingdom. I just hope it’s when I’m sitting with her.


Saturday 5 October 2024



When Mosesarms grew tired, Aaron and Hur brought a stone for him to sit on, while they stood beside him and held up his armsholding them.


I woke up thinking about this story from Exodus. I am receiving so many encouraging messages, prayers, pictures, ideas, phone calls, suggestions as I walk through these days with Mom. Getting delicious meals cooked for me and good company with my cousin and his wife. My every need is met.

I am feeling so grateful that I have my own Aaron and Hur on either side of me, and a 'stone' to sit on. You all know who you are, and from the bottom of my heart, thank you. God bless you.