One stitch at a time. It can be tedious.
Cross-stitching a gift for a new baby on the way. Something
special. Praying for the baby, one stitch at a time. Listening to God for this
baby. This precious baby.
Relationships build slowly. One step at a time. One word.
One gesture. As the years pass, a picture emerges. A friendship that spans time.
A sibling love. A romantic love. One kindness at a time.
‘For as much as you did something good for someone else, you
did it for me,’ Jesus said, loosely paraphrased. I usually think of those
marginalised individuals who need help: we reach out to the Christ in them.
But just now I realised it’s all of our relationships. Each
of us needs one another. This is how Jesus is building his church.
One stitch at a time. It can be tedious.