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Sunday, 22 December 2024

He understands


Because of the incarnation, he understands.

I just read those words in the devotional I wrote which is running now in Day by Day with God, published by BRF. How funny, that though I wrote those words, those simple words, over a year ago, as I read them here in the all-embracing warmth of a Brisbane Christmas, they struck me afresh.

Because Jesus was born in the manger, he fully empathises with me when I go through things. And he fully rejoices with me when I celebrate victories.

I am so grateful to God for everything he has done, is doing, and will do, in my life and in this world of his. I am so grateful that however dark the global atmosphere is, however menacing the new year may look, it holds no surprises for God, and he is lovingly working out his plans for us all.

Because of the incarnation, he understands. Praise God.

Friday, 20 December 2024

New Adventures


Two kookaburras bobbed on a branch outside the kitchen window, noisily sharing a joke. What a wild sound! Every morning here we are awoken by the most glorious birdsongs. In amongst the chorus is a rather plain sustained note, rising to a second sustained note. Nothing pretty about it. One might think the kookaburra, and the bird responsible for these plain sounds, would be too embarrassed to make a noise, a cacophony interrupting the chorus of bright, perky and beautiful songs. But no, they seem proud to own the sounds they produce.

Yesterday was beach day. I had my first experience of body boarding. Can’t say I was a great success, though it was exhilarating and so much fun, but the recovery as I landed on shallow sand, still buffeted from behind by powerful surf, was more embarrassing than exhilarating.

Somehow, in the scrabble to stand up while being hammered by incoming waves, I maybe scraped off the sunscreen on one of my feet. However it happened, I am nursing a neon-red left foot today. How could I have allowed that to happen, when I know the pain of sunburn?

Today we are preparing to prepare for a hot Christmas. Debating a menu. Considering quantities when there will be a large family gathering here. And knowing that actually, in 30+ temps and with a pool just outside the door, we will probably all end up in the water.

So many firsts. Life is an adventure, and may the Lord keep us embracing the new every day.

Merry Christmas to all. Make memories, wherever you are. They are precious and God-blessed.


Sunday, 15 December 2024



A fresh breeze wafts in through the open door. A palm tree on the other side of the balcony waves in the wind.  The heat is on, the clouds are flying in and rain is in the forecast.

Yesterday started with a great church service reminding us that the joy of the Lord is to be received as a gift of the Holy Spirit, not to be worked up as a human emotion. The joy of the Lord is our strength, and it is independent of circumstances. A great message in these days of turmoil and tragedy.

We are packing in the activities here, seizing the days and making memories. Headed inside today for bowling and a little shopping with Flick and Greg.

May the joy of the Lord fill us all in these days before Christmas, when the angels sang of the incredible joy born in Bethlehem.



Tuesday, 10 December 2024

White Australian Ibis


Prepared to walk in the rain, we headed for the nearby mall to pick up a few Christmas things. After crossing the freeway (on an overhead bridge, I hasten to add!), we noticed a little oasis of lush growth beside the river. Nesting in trees and other foliage were the weirdest birds I’ve seen. Joey asked yesterday if we’d seen them yet. Now we have.

Australian White Ibis. We watched as they jockeyed for space, then carried on to our destination.

We’re back ‘home’ now, where we were greeted by a couple of enthusiastic pooches. The rain never came. And the heat is rising again.

Sandwiched between relaxing and enjoying family, I am still struggling to arrange details of Mom’s move upstairs to a different room. With a sixteen-hour lead time, I’m finding it tricky to know when to phone, and things are not as smooth as I could wish for.

I am praying that Mom will be able to relax and enjoy her new terrain, new care team, and new situation. That there will be intriguing and kind people in unexpected places. That she will still perceive beauty in her world.

Life is full of change. We can feel prepared, and then find things are not as we expected them to be. We encounter different ‘wild life’. We find ourselves challenged in many ways.

Good to know that God is in everything. That he goes behind and before and with. That despite the way things feel, he has a plan, and it is a plan for good.


Monday, 9 December 2024



There is a first time for everything.

Today, it was swimming in the rain. We are so grateful to be here in Brisbane with Doug, Joey, Flick and Greg. It may be raining, but it is 29C. Not like any other December I’ve ever known.

Bailey, the dog – not a water baby – hovered nervously round his much-loved master. His eyes were eloquent: get out of that pool! Would he jump in if someone were in trouble? Maybe if his owners were. He might just give me an ‘I told you so’ glance…

I wonder how often the Lord has hovered round me, not nervously but lovingly, willing me to get out of dangerous or dodgy waters.

I am so grateful to know that I am never alone. That whatever my circumstances, the Lord hovers protectively and I remain securely in the shadow of his wing, my feet planted firmly on the rock. And if I do get into trouble, he will rescue me. Again.



Monday, 2 December 2024

Thanksgiving Leaves


I had not even finished setting up the Thanksgiving ‘tree’ before Ella, Joel and Callan were choosing their leaves and writing out what they were thankful for. ‘God’. ‘Friends’. ‘Family’. ‘Today’.

Profound expressions of gratitude for the things that really matter.

May I carry into the week the joyful innocence of a child, celebrating life, love and the Lord.