The poplar was older than my two younger sons. It was
planted at the same time as its neighbours, but it shot to a great height
quickly. Twice over the years, the top has cracked and broken off, flying into
the telephone line and bringing it down. It could have been worse.
Today that poplar went down in a matter of minutes. A man
with knowledge and experience and a chainsaw drove it down into the field, and
then cut it into manageable logs for the fire for the foreseeable future.
The roots of that poplar have dibbled the drive so that now
it needs to be repaved.
That poplar was a beautiful tree. I always enjoyed the way
the new spring leaves turned in the light, a sight I will not see again.
But it had two major flaws. It was weak above ground, where
it could be seen, because it shot to great height without allowing time to bulk
out some strength. It was weak below ground, its shallow roots suggesting that
in a major storm, they might just give way altogether.
Spiritually it’s good to take time feeding on God and
growing slowly and steadily, allowing a deep tap root connected to Jesus to
securely anchor me.