Sitting with my back to the window, I heard a kerfuffle and
turned. Two cock pheasants, resplendent in their glorious colourful feathery
attire, faced off against one another. Tiny heads bobbed and poked
aggressively. Clawed feet stepped to the side, forward and back, as they
challenged each other for territory, for power, for position. Wings
outstretched, fluttered aggressively, with agitation. It was an Attenborough
moment. I could imagine his velvet tones describing this ritual in the natural
world and explaining what was really going on.
Nations posture and challenge one another. Politicians and
leaders strut and proclaim, seeking to gain, or hold on to, power. We watch and
listen, struggling to determine what is truth, what is fake, what is safe, what
is reckless. We yearn for someone to explain what is really going on.
Hosanna to the Son of David. Hosanna to the King of Kings.
Glory in the highest heavens, for Jesus the Messiah reigns.
How often that old chorus comes to mind and I sing out some
of the names of our Saviour. Hosanna. Save, help. If ever the world needed the
Saviour, it is now. How much clearer can it be, that we mess up? That we don’t
know what to do to fix the messes we make? That we are helpless without God?
Hosanna to the King of Kings. Jesus. Hear our cry for your
world, Lord. Thank you that you are the God of hope, and that we can look to
you for salvation, for light, for life and truth and grace and peace. Hosanna,
Lord. Thank you that you hear us, that you are always with us, and that as you
inspire us, so we can help lead this wounded world into a new chapter. Give us
vision and strength to imagine and achieve change, to partner with you in
enabling mercy and justice to reign. Vision and strength, Lord Jesus. Grace to
imagine and pray. Peace to accept our helplessness with humility and to trust
in you for everything. Gratitude and hearts full of praise.
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