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Saturday, 8 March 2025

Pariah state


‘Always in my mind is a picture of Jerusalem’s walls in ruins.’ God’s words to Isaiah (49:16) resonate with the sorrow in my heart and mind as I watch with horror what is happening to my country.

The consolation – the only consolation – is in the previous verses, when God refutes the claims of the Israelites that He has forgotten them by claiming that even if a mother could forget her own child, He would never forget His people.

I don’t mean to conflate a nation with the people of God, but I am heartbroken to see the nation that was for a couple of centuries a beacon of light and hope to the world flip into another pariah state.

Lord, have mercy. So many are suffering because of this administration, nationally and globally. Have mercy and intervene. Show your power and love, O Lord. Hear my prayer.

Friday, 7 March 2025

Confident expectation of good


It’s beginning to feel a lot like … spring!

It’s in the light. It’s in the birds, checking out the nesting boxes. It’s in the crocus blooms.

Spring is surely synonymous with hope. High hopes for the productivity of the garden (usually dashed). High hopes for a warm summer (ditto).

The definition of hope in God, though, is a confident expectation that God will turn up and do something good.

In this season of global political distress, I want to declare my hope in the God who created this world and continues to hold it lovingly in his hands. Hands that were pierced for our sins.

Lent is the season for remembering the truly awesome love of God.

My hope is in God, and God alone.

Enjoy the beauty of this day, knowing that God has not abandoned us.

Wednesday, 5 March 2025



Yesterday’s strong winds have blown themselves out. This morning dawns silent.

I look out to admire the last of the cheery snowdrops in the flower beds, but instead my eye lingers on the greens of the grass. We don’t have special grass. Probably most of it is moss or weeds. But this morning, the variation in shades of green is what catches my eye. Nuances and subtleties. Taken together, one might think it is a solid colour, but a closer look reveals varieties. It’s lovely.

Now a cock pheasant strolls past in all his glorious plumage, headed for the bird table and the seed he will find on the ground, spilled by his smaller friends. The richness of his appearance excites my appreciation, but the carpet of green draws my attention.

As the political world continues to fracture into polarised camps, we tend to see the ‘others’ as one solid shade (perhaps of black). Lord, open our eyes, whichever side of the divide we occupy. Open our eyes to see the differences; open our ears to hear the stories; open our mouths to express our opinions with kindness and respect. Bring us back from the brutality of hatred and anger.

We live in stormy times, but they, too, will blow themselves out. As my dad always used to say in times of challenge, ‘This, too, shall pass.’

As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me, God. So grateful for the everlasting life partner who never leaves nor forsakes us.

Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Mud on the Road


Mud on the road.

More mud than usual as farmers begin their spring work. It’s thick. It’s ‘clarted’. It’s slippery.

Elected leaders stride out in their hubris on muddy roads. Some may think they are standing, walking on the Rock, walking forward in His Name. Some may not care as long as the road leads to power and wealth.

Lord, humble our leaders today. Humble those who dream of glory, of golden statues and absolute power. Humble those who dream of control, of digital mastery. Humble the bullies who have aligned themselves with the enemy of all that is good.

Whether they turn to the right or to the left, may their ears hear a voice behind them, saying ‘This is the way: walk in it.’

Lord, you have the whole world in your hands. Please act decisively today on behalf of the bullied, the dispossessed, the marginalised and the lost.

‘All thrones and dominions, all powers and positions, His Name stands above them all.’

The Name of Jesus stands above the names of our times: Trump, Musk, Putin, et al.

And Lord, help us not to forget that we, too, walk on muddy roads. May we keep our eyes on you and our ears open to your whisper, ‘This is the way: walk in it.’