Yesterday’s strong winds have blown themselves out. This
morning dawns silent.
I look out to admire the last of the cheery snowdrops in the
flower beds, but instead my eye lingers on the greens of the grass. We don’t
have special grass. Probably most of it is moss or weeds. But this morning, the
variation in shades of green is what catches my eye. Nuances and subtleties.
Taken together, one might think it is a solid colour, but a closer look reveals
varieties. It’s lovely.
Now a cock pheasant strolls past in all his glorious
plumage, headed for the bird table and the seed he will find on the ground,
spilled by his smaller friends. The richness of his appearance excites my
appreciation, but the carpet of green draws my attention.
As the political world continues to fracture into polarised
camps, we tend to see the ‘others’ as one solid shade (perhaps of black). Lord,
open our eyes, whichever side of the divide we occupy. Open our eyes to see the
differences; open our ears to hear the stories; open our mouths to express our
opinions with kindness and respect. Bring us back from the brutality of hatred
and anger.
We live in stormy times, but they, too, will blow themselves
out. As my dad always used to say in times of challenge, ‘This, too, shall
As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will
fear no evil, for you are with me, God. So grateful for the everlasting life
partner who never leaves nor forsakes us.
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