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Sunday 5 May 2024



Every time I entered the greenhouse, I was aware of a flutter and a whoosh and a small bird exiting through the broken pane of glass. Eventually I realised it was a mother bird who had built her nest in an unused plant pot, and was busy sitting on her three eggs.

Yesterday, Don peeked, and saw 3 gaping beaks, silently awaiting the food they were expecting from their mother. We are praying she is not the blackbird he found lying dead in the garden yesterday, possibly a casualty of our sweet but lethal cat.

Time will tell.

Life is full of joys and woes. Sometimes the woes seem to obscure the less dramatic joys which are, nevertheless, there.

Who is this coming up from the wilderness, leaning on her beloved? As I continue to work through the NHS sleep app, trying to recover a sustainable rhythm of sleep, I feel a bit like I am coming up from the wilderness, definitely leaning on Jesus.

I am so grateful that in everything he is there. His mercies never end and no problem is too big or too small. And as I write this, I hear the spring call of the cuckoo, and smile. His mercies never come to an end.

Have a blessed day, alert to the loving touch of God, in the big things and the small.

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