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Monday 20 May 2024



So, rodents are attracted to untidy gardens, where ‘No Mow May’ has created a waving wilderness of long grass in which they can feel safe. They love to cadge the food slopped out of the bird feeder by messy, voracious birds.

Thankfully, Don, a great enthusiast for No Mow May, cut the long grass over the weekend. Revealing no evidence of rats or mice. Warmer weather has prompted us to stop feeding the birds for a few months.

Not that I’ve noticed any rats, but the headlines scream out that this island is heavy with rats making hay, and babies, while the trash collection reduces to fortnightly and the population tries to balance rewilding with keeping things clean.

I’m conscious that areas of my thought-life can become a jungle of tangled ruminations and twisted ideas. My mind needs a daily tidy-up of truth from the word of God in order to recognise lies from the world. I don’t want to feed on wrong ideas dropped carelessly or mischievously or even malevolently; may I hunger and thirst more for you, Lord, than for any junk-food thoughts I may pick up through news sources, friends and family.

This is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it.

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