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Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Is a Thousand Enough?


A thousand hallelujahs.

Today I am reflecting on the rhythm of the rain. Having literally just done the school run with a couple of my grandkids, one of whom doesn’t seem to know the meaning of the word, ‘walk’, I walked back as the sun gave way to a bit of rain. Not much, considering this is Glasgow. But enough for me to raise my hood.

It was pleasant, hearing the rhythm of the rain on my hood. What we complain about is often meant to bless. Our loving heavenly Father is raining blessings down on us all the time. Sometimes we are so overwhelmed with the rogue hailstones that we miss the gentle blessings.

Today, Lord, may I receive the rhythm of the rain. May I see rainbows in the raindrops. May I smell the fresh aroma of the rain. May I be refreshed as I walk, without umbrella or hood, face turned up to heaven to receive, to be washed and cleansed and loved.

Open my eyes to the real world, Lord. To your world. And as I trust you, who hold the whole world in your hands, may my anxieties wash away, my concerns drop off.

The Lord blessed the household of the Egyptian Potiphar because of Joseph. Lord, would you bless every place I put my foot today, because I reflect your presence.

A thousand hallelujahs, as I get to go see our tenth grandchild today for the second time. Little Joni Ruby Gigi, may the Lord refresh and fill you today with his love, his health, his strength as you grow into the plans he has for you.

God is good.

Friday, 21 February 2025

Forgetting what is past


The consultant explained the possible risks of a hip replacement operation. Quiet, we headed home from Elgin, having decided to think and pray about it for a couple of days.

The route took us back through Huntly, where Don grew up and where we started our life together. We cruised through the streets, noting the changes that had been made to streets once familiar, now no longer home.

Life is the blink of an eye. One minute you are young and raising a family, and the next minute you are considering a hip replacement.

Philippians 3 is the reading for today, and I was encouraged by the words there. ‘Forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on towards the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.’

What lies ahead needs our prayerful and energetic involvement. Today I shake off the sad shawl of nostalgia which draped my shoulders yesterday, and look forward in hope, trusting Jesus to guide me in the way I spend my days, filled again with hope and peace knowing that the Lord who called me goes before, with and behind me.

May you, too, be confident in the future, which, when Jesus is in it, will be light and love, peace and justice, mercy and grace and life in all its fullness.


Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Raise up the artists and singers of protest and praise


The morning dawned grey, windy and cold. By noon the sun broke through, though clouds still swirl overhead.

We took time out yesterday and indulged in a movie, watching ‘A Complete Unknown’. This was our era, and it was a poignant trip down memory lane. So good to hear some of the protest songs of Baez and Dylan, during those dark and turbulent days of assassinations, civil rights abuses and war.

May God raise up those artists and singers who can reveal and inspire this generation.

‘So each generation should set its hope anew on God, not forgetting his glorious miracles and obeying his commands.’

We are the generation fading forward, praying with hope and faith, focusing on Jesus Christ, and expecting him to bring justice and peace. May we keep our hope set on the God who never fails, who never abandons, who is faithful, merciful and just.

The morning may be grey, windy and cold, but the sun will break through.

Monday, 17 February 2025

The Walls Tumbled Down


The Israelites were commanded to bring down the walls of Jericho through a weapon of praise.

Not praise for any person or anything man-made. Praise for God the Almighty, the light who shines in the darkness.

I am feeling overwhelmed by the speed of the coup in Washington DC. Heartbroken and dispossessed, left wondering how I can do anything at all that would make a difference.

And then yesterday, Adrienne led young children in a re-enactment of blowing the weapon of praise, and the effect that had. The walls of Jericho collapsed when the people did what God directed them to do. Praise him, sometimes in silence, sometimes loudly.

It took more than one raising of that weapon of praise. It took more than one day. And it took more than one person. It probably seemed crazy. It probably seemed futile. It probably seemed like whistling in the dark.

But God has given us a weapon of praise, and that praise makes the enemy shake and fall.

I refuse to be paralysed and disempowered by strutting megalomaniacs. I am raising my weapon of praise, and I won’t stop praising God until the walls of oppression and dictatorship collapse.

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

In these dark days, may the light of Jesus Christ shine from all those who love and follow the Saviour.

Praise the God of creation, the Lord of all, the Almighty, omnipotent, omniscient God, commander of heaven’s armies of angels. Praise the God of the poor, of the marginalised, of the sick and vulnerable and frightened.

I lift up the name of Jesus in praise, knowing that He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. None of this surprises him.

What does he require of us? To act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with our God.

Strengthen us all to do just that.

Wednesday, 12 February 2025



Just been thinking about the importance of who we are rather than what we do. Someone used an illustration of an apple tree, that its fruit will always be an apple, not a pear or a plum.

As I long to be like Jesus, the only way for me to become holy is for me to abide in him. As long as I am rooted and grounded in Jesus, he will nurture me to become more like him.

Calling myself a Jesus-follower, or Christian, will never be true if who I am is not being changed daily by my Saviour and Lord. All my actions will spring from that abiding.

Monday, 10 February 2025



It hangs low on the right, unhinged. The pottery drawbar to the fairytale castle was fixed recently with a kitsugi kit, so in two places the adhesive is visible as a gold line. So now the drawbar is intact, but it has slipped its mooring. The castle can again be easily breached by an enemy force.

May I not assume that yesterday’s corrections and healings are a forever fix. May I come to God today, in humility and openness, and wait on his golden glue to repair my brokenness, both new and old.

I ask the Ancient of Days to fix this old soldier so that I can continue to stand in his strength against whatever would seek to destroy.


Friday, 7 February 2025

New Shoots


The crocuses are responding to this week’s sunshine. The snowdrops bob in the breeze. A friend brought me early daffodils, which are opening and trumpeting in the vase beside me.

Nothing new in these observations, but the sense of well-being it raises in me is ‘new every morning’. New every year. Great is His faithfulness.

Spring is coming. As the saying goes, it’s always darkest before the dawn, and spring feels like the seasonal equivalent of the dawn.

In the darkness, we were waiting: the opening words of a praise hymn. Jesus brings hope. He brings light. He brings life. We celebrate his resurrection in the spring, season of hope.

Every year we plant a veg garden. Every year we are disappointed with most of the results: crops of caterpillars and slugs.

God is not into disappointment. He is the hope which never lets us down.

Today I am focusing on him. In this coming season of new life, I put all my trust in the Creator God as he continues to work in every detail of his creation.

Watch for the green shoots and praise the Prince of peace.

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Another lesson from the birds


The wild bird seed container has been refilled; the peanut dispenser sways in the wind, offering protein and sustenance to our feathered friends. Fat balls swing in the breeze.

Cautious birds wait, unsure whether or not Don will reappear. Gradually they flit back, darting here and there, landing briefly on a perch, having a peck or two before lifting off again. It’s like a joyful dance, choreographed by the creator, the birds feeding lightly and then moving on so that others can be fed.

Why can’t we learn from the birds? Yes, our families are important to us, but we are not to overfeed them at the expense of the others further out on our concentric circles. Jesus taught us to love our neighbours as ourselves – neighbours near and far. His words are staged in front of me this morning as I watch the birds feed.

Sometimes I can feast on God’s word, relaxing into his presence and revelling in his love. More often, though, my time is full of various things, and then I can feed on his word like the birds are doing outside my window. Through a praise song playing softly as I clean or cook. Through a cross positioned where my glance falls on it and I remember Jesus’ love for me. Through a cross-stitched verse hanging on a wall. Through a call or message from a friend. Through a look from Don.

His love is all around me as I step into this day. I give him thanks, for his love endures forever.

Monday, 3 February 2025

Memory Lane

 Down memory lane tonight. After a busy few days, we’ve relaxed by the fire today, choosing entertainment from the big old collection of LPs. I’m smiling here listening to the sound track from a film called Tom Sawyer. Memories. Our first year of marriage … a freezing cottage with no heat but an open fire, and me a California transplant … no tv … this was one of our goofiest records to listen to, full of corny hopefulness.

A different time. Seems like a different universe.
Later this year we’ll celebrate our Golden anniversary. What a fantastic time we’ve had! My memories are vibrant, full of laughter, joy, fun, love. Being blessed four times with beautiful children who continue to bless us. Having deep and nurturing friendships. Being part of a committed, Jesus-loving church.
‘Nothin’s impossible,’ Tom is belting out just now.
That’s what Jesus said to his followers. Nothing is impossible with God. When I consider the intricate, amazing complexity of creation, how could I doubt it?
We’ve had some challenges along the way. Doesn’t everybody? ‘In this world, you will have trouble,’ Jesus said. ‘Take heart, for I have overcome the world.’ My sister’s favourite verse.
In challenging times, he’s been closer than a heartbeat. As he always is, though I’m most aware of his calming reassurance when the darkness deepens.
So, in these darker days, the light shines brighter still. I know the truth and he has set me free.
Full of gratitude tonight, to a gracious God who loves us unconditionally.
Whatever looms and threatens tonight, God is bigger … God is love … He is able.
Thank you, Jesus, for never giving up on me, on us. Thank you for taking the punishment we deserve, so that we might have the life we don’t deserve. Your grace. Thank you for your grace.

The original ecologist

 A red kite circles overhead, silhouetted against a grey, louring sky. A fat cock pheasant struts past the window, plucking fallen grain from the bird feeders overhead. A diminutive blue tit clings to the bobbing netting, pecking at a fat ball while buffeted by the strengthening wind.

Soon, maybe already, they will be building nests, preparing for the next generation. They will gather dead twigs and yellowing moss, using that which is now dead to build a cradle for new life.
Nothing is wasted in the economy of God.
Lord, take what is now dead in me and use it. Help me to work with you to build a nest, a home for new life not yet known to me. As one season segues seamlessly into another, so may it be in me today.
Nothing is wasted in the economy of God. The original ecologist.

Saturday, 1 February 2025

Battle Hymn

This may be a different post from my usual blogs. I am sitting here in tears having just read Heather Cox Richardson’s post about the significance of February 1 in American history. On this day in 1860, Julia Ward Howe was inspired to write the words to the Battle Hymn of the Republic, having spent the day visiting the Union forces guarding Washington DC from Confederate troops who were surrounding and threatening the city at the start of the Civil War.

One verse reads:

“In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea,

With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me.

As He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free,

While God is marching on.”

On February 1, 1865, President Abraham Lincoln signed the Joint Resolution of Congress passing the Thirteenth Amendment. The amendment stated that "[n]either slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction." It gave Congress power to enforce that amendment. Within a decade, though, segregation was evident. Another century of struggle ensued, struggle for justice and equality. The civil rights movement in the sixties achieved some results, and finally in 1976, in an effort to recognise the achievements of Blacks historically, President Ford designated February 1 the first day of Black History Month.

In 2025, President Trump has revoked a 60-year-old executive order that protected equal opportunity in employment. He has called for an end to all diversity, equity and inclusion programs.

Neither the Pentagon nor the State Department will recognise Black History month, which starts today.

Groundhog Day (which, weirdly, is tomorrow).

What would Jesus do? What does he call us to do?

‘As he died to make men holy, let us die to make men free, while God is marching on.’ As Jesus followers, we are called to die to self and live for Jesus. In peace and with courage. We are called to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God. We of every colour and gender.

I am heartbroken to see the direction of travel over the last two weeks.