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Friday, 21 February 2025

Forgetting what is past


The consultant explained the possible risks of a hip replacement operation. Quiet, we headed home from Elgin, having decided to think and pray about it for a couple of days.

The route took us back through Huntly, where Don grew up and where we started our life together. We cruised through the streets, noting the changes that had been made to streets once familiar, now no longer home.

Life is the blink of an eye. One minute you are young and raising a family, and the next minute you are considering a hip replacement.

Philippians 3 is the reading for today, and I was encouraged by the words there. ‘Forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on towards the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.’

What lies ahead needs our prayerful and energetic involvement. Today I shake off the sad shawl of nostalgia which draped my shoulders yesterday, and look forward in hope, trusting Jesus to guide me in the way I spend my days, filled again with hope and peace knowing that the Lord who called me goes before, with and behind me.

May you, too, be confident in the future, which, when Jesus is in it, will be light and love, peace and justice, mercy and grace and life in all its fullness.


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