Down memory lane tonight. After a busy few days, we’ve relaxed by the fire today, choosing entertainment from the big old collection of LPs. I’m smiling here listening to the sound track from a film called Tom Sawyer. Memories. Our first year of marriage … a freezing cottage with no heat but an open fire, and me a California transplant … no tv … this was one of our goofiest records to listen to, full of corny hopefulness.
A different time. Seems like a different universe.
Later this year we’ll celebrate our Golden anniversary. What a fantastic time we’ve had! My memories are vibrant, full of laughter, joy, fun, love. Being blessed four times with beautiful children who continue to bless us. Having deep and nurturing friendships. Being part of a committed, Jesus-loving church.
‘Nothin’s impossible,’ Tom is belting out just now.
That’s what Jesus said to his followers. Nothing is impossible with God. When I consider the intricate, amazing complexity of creation, how could I doubt it?
We’ve had some challenges along the way. Doesn’t everybody? ‘In this world, you will have trouble,’ Jesus said. ‘Take heart, for I have overcome the world.’ My sister’s favourite verse.
In challenging times, he’s been closer than a heartbeat. As he always is, though I’m most aware of his calming reassurance when the darkness deepens.
So, in these darker days, the light shines brighter still. I know the truth and he has set me free.
Full of gratitude tonight, to a gracious God who loves us unconditionally.
Whatever looms and threatens tonight, God is bigger … God is love … He is able.
Thank you, Jesus, for never giving up on me, on us. Thank you for taking the punishment we deserve, so that we might have the life we don’t deserve. Your grace. Thank you for your grace.
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