The wild bird seed container has been refilled; the peanut
dispenser sways in the wind, offering protein and sustenance to our feathered
friends. Fat balls swing in the breeze.
Cautious birds wait, unsure whether or not Don will reappear.
Gradually they flit back, darting here and there, landing briefly on a perch,
having a peck or two before lifting off again. It’s like a joyful dance,
choreographed by the creator, the birds feeding lightly and then moving on so
that others can be fed.
Why can’t we learn from the birds? Yes, our families are
important to us, but we are not to overfeed them at the expense of the others
further out on our concentric circles. Jesus taught us to love our neighbours
as ourselves – neighbours near and far. His words are staged in front of me this
morning as I watch the birds feed.
Sometimes I can feast on God’s word, relaxing into his
presence and revelling in his love. More often, though, my time is full of
various things, and then I can feed on his word like the birds are doing
outside my window. Through a praise song playing softly as I clean or cook. Through
a cross positioned where my glance falls on it and I remember Jesus’ love for
me. Through a cross-stitched verse hanging on a wall. Through a call or message
from a friend. Through a look from Don.
His love is all around me as I step into this day. I give
him thanks, for his love endures forever.
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