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Friday 21 June 2024

The cool of the evening


The long summer day was drawing to a close, but the light lingered and I went out for a walk. How refreshing it is to immerse oneself in the outdoors: I followed a suggestion I read yesterday, to take a walk with Jesus. Not chattering to him about all the things that sit heavy on my heart. Not even particularly listening, but just sharing time. Just walking in that pleasant camaraderie one has with a loved one, where nothing is needed or expected. Where there is peace in the silence.

I heard the birdsong. A soft wind shushed through a tree along the road, whispering gently. Approaching the cottage of our ‘next door’ neighbour, I was delighted to see that the field which has lain empty for awhile now is home to ten young highland cows. Up to their armpits in long grass, their faces were down as they fed. One or two looked up at me curiously, briefly, before diving back into their tasty meal. A scene of bucolic peace.

There is much to pray for and be anxious over in this world. Much sadness; the untimely death of a friend of one of my children, and this morning I heard of the passing of a dear uncle, who was ready to go home to the Lord. But who will be sadly missed.

But last night I walked in the cool of the garden with my Lord, in companionable silence and peace. It may not be the Garden of Eden, but I am blessed.

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