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Monday 2 September 2024



Astronauts are sometimes accompanied by astromice, who ride into space in a familiar cage, but once they escape the gravitational pull, the wee creatures have one of two reactions. Some, no doubt appalled at their weightlessness, cling for dear life to the bars of their cage. Others, however, allow themselves to float – perhaps even enjoying the sensation and experience. According to the presenter on the Radio 4 programme this morning, the terrified mice often die, whereas the adventurers survive.

I can’t vouch for the veracity of this, but I can’t help but think that when humans limit their experiences of our world through fear, they don’t enjoy life as much as those who embrace every challenge with enthusiasm.

The Bible says, hundreds of times, ‘do not be afraid’, and Jesus declares that he came so that we could have life in all its fullness. I love seeing people who are living out that freedom, either because of an innate courage and adventurer’s spirit or out of a deep faith and trust in God.

I ask God to deepen my trust in his provision and protection and guidance, so that each day can be an adventure in exploring the wonders of this creation he has blessed us with. I don’t want to be a cling-er! I want to fly, safe in my Father’s arms.


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