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Friday 27 September 2024

Rest in the Shadow


The two-lane coastal road from Stonehaven to Auchmithie Beach winds through farmland, golden in its early autumn glory. Farmers, busily bringing in the harvest, grind along in their big tractors pulling even bigger harvest machinery.

Behind them follows a parade of smaller vehicles. There are few stretches of road straight enough to safely overtake.

Be still and know that I am God.

Sometimes we need to accept a slower pace in life. Perhaps we are caring for someone older or sick. Perhaps we are parenting a growing family. Perhaps we ourselves are not well.

When we stop agitating about the impediment to our zipping quickly from here to there and getting a lot of things done, we are free to appreciate the scenery or the people we are with.

We are set free to be still and appreciate God. To enjoy his quiet company. She who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.

May our days be punctuated with periods of peace and rest in the shadow of the Almighty, whether by choice or otherwise.

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