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Wednesday 25 September 2024

Rock of Ages


‘Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord, is the Rock eternal.’ (Isaiah 26:4)

There is nothing boring or uniform about the shoreline at Auchmithie Beach. It is composed of a carpet of smooth stones of various hues and sizes. It isn’t a beach for a long walk. It’s a beach for a jerking progress from one end to the other, where there are some shallow caves and larger boulders on which to sit. On which to sit and contemplate, to sit and stare glakit at the rhythmic flow of the sea, to sit and pray.

Surrounding the larger boulders are much smaller rocks, polished smooth by the tides, tossed around by the storms that buffet the beach sometimes. They are a beautiful rainbow of colours.

I brought home nine of these stones as a souvenir of the day. I chose nine – one for each of my grandchildren. They now sit at the garden door, a reminder (as if I needed it) to pray for each of these precious ones, that they will trust in Jesus always.

I love that the stones are smooth. The rough edges have been broken off by the storms. They have been honed and polished by the flow of life. I pray that as my precious grandchildren go through whatever storms await them, they will emerge with their faith in the Rock eternal intact, with their lives anchored in Jesus.

Jesus told Peter, ‘It is on this rock that I will build my church’. Peter’s faith in Jesus as Saviour was rock-solid … and yet, on the night he was arrested, Peter denied knowing Jesus three times.

Denials for which he profoundly repented, and for which he was wholeheartedly forgiven. Whatever betrayals we have committed, Jesus is always waiting to welcome us back, and when we trust in him, truly trust in him, we are stronger than ever because he is our strength.

We live in times of global tension and turmoil, agony and angst. I pray for all those whose faith is shaken today by the storms of the age, that through the tumult they will find comfort and safety in the rock of ages.




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