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Friday 20 September 2024

Rock Pools


Time apart. Alone with God.

The Lord blessed me with a glorious, warm day on Wednesday when I headed to Auchmithie Beach in Angus. We’ve hung out together there a couple of times. It turned out to be as expected, only better. A day of rich gleanings. A day of sitting gazing at the waves, the tide, the jet trails in the blue skies. A day of listening. A day of seeing a little bit more.

I studied the rock pools left as the tide retreated, and it occurred to me that where the rock had eroded with an outlet at one end, the sea water emptied completely, leaving a clear bowl of clean stones. Where the erosion was more of a hollowing out, leaving a bowl-shaped dip, or where there was a blockage of some sort, the water never completely drained, leaving the rock pools soft with green algae, growing in stagnant and sour water.

How I need times of stepping aside and allowing the Lord to empty me of all the sour water that can stagnate within me, clogging my thinking and muddying my mind. The algae in my soul does not look pretty, to me or to Him, and it is so good to just rest in him and allow him to remove any blockages and re-open my clogged channels.

Lectio today dealt with a similar theme: regular times alone with God are the example Jesus left us, and they model a rhythm we all need. There is so much in this world to clog my mind, spirit, heart and soul, but in Jesus there is freedom. In Jesus we have a loving Saviour who invites us to dump all that muddies our thinking on him, so that we can live life to the full.

I leave all the green algae at your cross now, Lord. Cleanse me and make me new.

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