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Monday 26 September 2011

Field of Weeds

A glorious morning here – blue sky, the sunlight exquisitely vibrant as it traces out the patterns of foliage in the field. Dusty was enjoying a good nose round the rabbit holes as I stood contemplating this beautiful picture when I suddenly realized I was admiring a field of weeds.

That led me to ponder, who are the weeds whom I regard as ugly blights on the landscape of my life? Is there really no redeeming glory in them which I can discern if I pause long enough to look? When people are difficult, I prefer to look the other way, to take another path, to avoid an encounter, rather than looking closer. I heard someone say the other day that it’s easy to find the dirt in people – it’s everywhere – but our job is to discover the gold.

A big challenge. There aren’t a lot of weeds in my life, but the ones I am thinking of are like nettles or thistles – prickly and sharp, and they leave a sting. But both nettles and thistles have pretty flowers, and nettles yield a nourishing soup. Is there a lesson in that for me?

Jesus told a story about a farmer sowing seed. In one instance, the seed took root quickly in a fertile field, but then the weeds sprang up and choked the plant. I guess it’s important to beware of being choked by weeds of doubt and criticism, without dismissing the weeds as worthless.

Jesus died for the weeds in my life, as well as the roses. When he looks at a field of weeds, he sniffs the fragrance that is possible, if only someone would take the time to seek it out. 

I’d like to see the weeds through Jesus’ eyes, to see the gold, but mostly I just feel the thorns. I need divine help here.

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