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Wednesday 20 March 2013

Sunlight on Snow

It’s mid-March and I’m ready to see some daffodils. They’re growing; the crocus and snowdrops are blooming somewhere beneath the downy duvet of snow. It’s time to throw that duvet off.

But as I look out the window now, there is white stuff drifting down from on high, backlit from a sun hidden somewhere beyond the clouds. Despite the cold, despite the white-covered fields, there is a sort of sense that spring is just waiting to break through.

Sometimes my life feels like that. Maybe the winter of inactivity, or of no-growth, has felt long, and my muscles are aching to be flexed. I’ve been waiting fairly patiently for a break-through in one aspect or another, but the waiting period seems to stretch on beyond the horizon.

And yet, there is a rising sense of anticipation that the waiting is drawing to a close. Like the sap rising in the trees at this time of year, the preparation for something wonderful is just about complete, and whatever it is, it’s going to be good.

Good because God is going to be in it. I don’t want to do anything that God isn’t happy about. I only want to be doing those things which he’s designed me to do. 

So I will wait on, holding back until that golden moment when he breaks through and a whole new horizon is revealed.

What a great God we have!

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