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Friday 11 October 2019

A miracle

Jesus did it all. All to him I owe. Sin had left a crimson stain; he washed it white as snow.

My carbon footprint is huge. My aim is to reduce it. To drive less; fly less; eat less meat; use less plastic. But I find circumstances necessitate me driving more, flying more. The meat and the plastic are in my control, but when other pressures bear down, it’s often the easy option I choose. Not the ones that will have less of a negative impact on our planet.

I have to give this to Jesus, too. If he could wipe out the crimson stain of my sin, he can negate my carbon footprint. As I trust in him, he can guide my choices. He can influence my thinking. He can inspire my activism. He can change me.

It feels as if we are in a race to the bottom, spiralling out of control politically, as nation rises against nation. Some of our leaders are delusional, yet there seem to be no people of integrity and courage, of noble character, willing to stand up and depose them. Their actions and careless words bring death and loss, suffering and anguish, and still they speak. Still they sit in positions of power.

In the Bible, God looks down and cries out: is there nobody to stand against the evil?

He sent his son. Jesus.

The world is crying out. Peace, peace, but there is no peace. No real peace outside of Jesus.

Jesus is our prince of peace. He is the source of deep peace, peace beyond intellectual understanding, peace in the midst of turmoil.

He wipes away my sin. He guides me into responsible living choices. He heals my wounds. He mends relationships. He makes me brave. In the thick of things, he inspires my heart as I look to him. Peace. All to him I owe. Sin had left a crimson stain; he washed it white as snow.

A miracle.

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