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Monday 24 January 2022



The strong branch has been broken off, leaving a shaggy stump. From the stump sprout six or more new twigs, each with potential to strengthen and lengthen and support new leaves and life. These new twigs stretch hopefully skywards.

A word I am meditating on as an appropriate one for 2022 is ‘change’. We have been living in a time of uncertainty and change for two years now, but I sense that this year might bring more personal change to my life.

So good to know that when a branch is broken off, new life sprouts, supported still from what went before.

As a verse from one of my favourite psalms says, ‘I cling to you; your strong right hand holds me securely’. Whatever change awaits – whatever is broken off in coming days or months – abiding in Christ keeps me grounded and safe.


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