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Wednesday 5 January 2022


Listening to the Bible app I follow, I looked out the prayer window and watched as a robin perched rather precariously on a thin twig rocking in the icy wind. He flew off, and a woodpecker landed on the more substantial trunk and began abseiling downwards, beak drilling into the wood in search of breakfast.

I thought of Greg and I returning from a walk to the woods the other day. He had a sore tummy, and as a distraction, for some reason, we decided to walk backwards. He revealed the secret that he actually has eyes in the back of his head, which enabled him to guide me into our driveway.

How does the heavy body of the woodpecker manage to stay upright, its little claws holding it steady as it propels its head forward to drill for bugs? Not eyes in the back of his head, but astonishing strength in the spindly feet and slim neck.

At the start of 2022, I pray that I will have retrospective vision (like the Roman deity for whom the month of January is named) to enable me to move forward with confidence, avoiding some of the pitfalls of the past. I ask that I might be able to cling onto Jesus, held secure in his love, as I persevere in digging deep into his truths. May the Lord guide our feet as we step out to reflect his justice, his mercy and his love in this wounded world.


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