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Friday 28 January 2022

Overnight casualty


A casualty overnight. We thought another cat had been knocked down near the end of our drive, but no, when Don went to check, it was a badger. Beautiful, except for the spots of blood on its head.

I don’t know who bumped it, and I know that over the forty plus years of living here, I have killed a fair share of wildlife. Bunnies and pheasants and even a deer. Sometimes it’s unavoidable as an animal emerges unseen from the verge and does a sort of kamikaze dive under the car’s wheels. But other times, like when I hit the deer, the driver’s mind can be so focused on the next thing, or the big anxiety, or the happy event, that she is oblivious to what’s around.

My Dad’s mantra when he was teaching me to drive was, ‘Remember you are in control of a lethal weapon.’ I’ve never forgotten that, but obviously I’ve not always adhered to it.

May I live my life with vision, Lord, so that I am not so preoccupied that my attention is limited with blinkers of self which blind me to those I may be passing by today. And may I not just be innocent of leaving casualties in my wake. Instead, make me ready to reach out to those who are struggling, ready to step back and wait for those stepping into my path.

Jesus, tired as he was, adjusted his plans when the crowds wouldn’t leave him alone. Thankful that no crowds are following me, I want to live large and reflect the grace and love of God today. I don’t want my carelessness or impatience to make me into a lethal weapon. Thanks to Jesus, I can do all things through him who strengthens me.

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