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Monday 10 January 2022

I had a dream...


I had a dream.

In it, a homeless woman and her children were sheltering in nearby woods. I met her on our driveway, and as we walked together towards the woods, I noticed how clean and well she looked, considering her living situation.

‘My name’s Michele,’ I said. ‘My name’s Narnia,’ she replied.

We continued on towards the woods. I was aware that my family had joined me. Suddenly, Narnia was attacked by something invisible, something supernatural. Somehow, I knew it was a vicious wolf, and I battled it, invoking the name of Jesus many times. When it was defeated, I looked round and realised that Narnia had gone. She had disappeared.

Be self-controlled and alert, Peter wrote. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

Narnia. Feeling an urgency to pray with passion and perseverance for the persecuted church.


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