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Monday 17 January 2022



The wool jacket had hung in the closet, unused during these months of pandemic lock-downs. Taken out into the light of day, we were horrified to see that moths had munched their way through it, leaving a lacy legacy of no use to anyone. Several of our sweaters have gone the same way. Obviously, a problem we need to address, urgently.

Spring cleaning time, followed by sprays and mothballs and who knows what?

God has given each of us talents and gifts. They may lay hidden and unused, revealing a lack of confidence in the God who gave the gift to enable us to use it. Hidden away, gifts which might bring pleasure and even revelation to others are of no use. The thief can fill us with self-doubt and even doubt in God’s provision (Did God really say … ? the snake asked Eve in the garden). Moths of busyness and distractions can easily eat holes in our talents.

Why store up treasures for thieves to steal and moths to destroy, Jesus asked. Why indeed? Time for some serious de-cluttering, both spiritually and physically.

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