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Thursday 15 November 2012

Exquisite Weeds

The sun stares from a clear blue sky, a cold stare I have to say. It was below freezing as Dusty and I made our way along the lane. Thankfully my eyes were open, because the sun, still low-hanging, shone through the ice-etched grasses along the road, where they glistened like Swarovski crystals.

Passing into the tree-lined lane, we were back into a sodden, muddy track, and the grasses drooped towards the earth, laden with last night’s rain. But again, turning the corner into the open field beyond, the temps had plunged below zero and frozen those drops onto every weed in the swampy field.

Mhairi once gave us a copy of a poem – reflecting that life is the poorer if you don’t take the time to stop and stare. This morning, despite the fact that I fly away early tomorrow and have a million things to do today, I stopped and stared. And gave the glory to God.

How can anyone think that this just happens? I know there are laws of physics and so on – but the creative, beautiful mind behind it all is breath-taking.

By the time we were heading home, the sun was higher in the sky and its lukewarm rays had already melted the ice crystals on the weeds. They now just looked like droopy grasses again, and nobody passing this way now would realize that just a quarter of an hour previously, they were part of a winter landscape of exquisite beauty. 

I wonder what weeds I will see today which, if I looked more keenly and at just the right moment, would be stunningly beautiful? I wonder if you will meet any such weeds today? I pray that if you do, you catch them in the sun’s rays, before the world’s ways have melted the crystals.
Have a blessed day.

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