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Friday 20 June 2014


Fourth entertainment event at our place in eight days. I’m on first names with the folk at Tesco as I dive in practically daily.

There’s a few plus points on having a rolling diary of events. Having picked up the clutter in many rooms, it hasn’t had time to slump back onto chairs and tables in quite the usual amounts. A quick dash round in a few minutes should complete the tidying, then a zip through with a duster. 

We’re eating well. If it’s not the original dishes it’s the leftovers the next day. Desserts in abundance; good for the taste buds – bad for the figures. 

We’re enjoying meeting new people, getting better acquainted with folk we don’t know very well, and enjoying close friends and family. 

The downside, from my point of view, is the number of hours I’ve spent both at Tesco’s and in the kitchen over these last eight days, and that’s with keeping meals fairly simple and relaxed. 

Jesus enjoyed parties and gatherings with friends, and he didn’t need fancy food or well-dusted houses. He told Martha to relax and hinted that she should join her sister Mary in just enjoying his presence rather than racing round trying to make everything tidy and perfect.

I’m taking that story to heart, so that tonight I will enjoy our company and not be so worn out I haven’t the energy to contribute to the conversation.

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