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Monday 14 November 2016

Bare trees and pruning

The trees outside my window stand denuded, prepped for winter’s icy grip. Bare branches twist and intertwine: they’ve lost the beauty of the autumn finery that now lies mouldering on the damp ground.

For several months, my vision has been circumscribed by those leaves, and now that they are off, I can once again see Scolty and Clachnaben, two distinctive hills to the southwest of us. 

Sometimes our vision is limited by pleasant surroundings which draw our attention, and we miss the grander picture. 

One of my tasks today, if there is time, is to chop the beautiful rose bushes in half. I hate doing it because they are still in bloom, but the forecast is for snowy winds later in the week and I don’t want them buffeted and blown about, loosening the roots which anchor them in tight. Pruning isn’t pleasant, for rose bushes or for people, but un-pruned we are more vulnerable and weaker.

And there is the promise of spring. Renewed life. The bigger picture.

Happy Monday.

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