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Tuesday 12 March 2019


I watch the gauge in the car to see when I need to refuel. Then it's a simple matter of driving into the gas / petrol station and filling it up. It isn't free. I have to pay for it, but then I'm good to go another couple hundred miles at least.

I'm not always so aware of my spiritual gauge. When I notice my temper flaring faster, my irritation overriding kindness, my impatience breaking out, I know that I am nearing or already running on empty. Time to draw in to my Father and refuel. It costs time. That's all.

When aircraft have to fly further than the capacity of their fuel tanks, there are jets which can come alongside and refuel them in the air. Jesus promises never to leave us, and he fills us with his Holy Spirit, so we, too, have the capacity for being refuelled while in the midst of life's turmoil.

If others sense or see God in us, they may treat us as fuel stations, coming to us to draw near to God. Paul advises that we go on being filled with the Holy Spirit. One way and another his power and presence drains away during life, and we need constant topping up.

I've just awoken to no internet, no telephone connection. I can't reach the outside world, but I can reach heaven.

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