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Tuesday 23 August 2022



I sank onto the couch the other night, looking forward to losing myself in a book while YouTube played worship music.

Suddenly it stopped. I was surprised to see an error message – something about running short on memory. I tried to track that one down, and as I attempted to delete cookies I somehow signed out of Google altogether. Aargh.

When my feeble attempts to tackle a computer problem only compound the problem, I send out a HELP message to Doug. He is always kind, makes himself available, and yesterday corrected the situation in about ten minutes.

‘Come to me,’ Jesus encourages us. Come to Me when things don’t work out, when you are lost and confused, when you’ve done what you could and the problem is just getting worse.

I am so aware of my limitations with computers. Why, then, can I be so presumptuous and arrogant when it comes to other things in life? Why do I push on in my own strength, thinking I know how to solve things, rather than throwing my hands in the air and the problem to God?

I don’t like to admit failure. But as I look at the global situation this morning, I continue to reduce and recycle but I also fall on my knees (metaphorically speaking – not sure how these old knees would react to a sudden lurch onto the tiles) and cry out to God. Help!

Our arrogance and presumption, our pride and greed, have shaped this world, Lord. Forgive us, and please, come fix it. Amen.


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