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Friday 14 September 2012

A wee boy's picnic

In the hands of Jesus, the smallest of gifts can be multiplied to nourish a multitude.

This morning’s radio carried an interview with a philanthropist called Dame Steve Shirley. She was on a kinder train evacuated from Austria at the beginning of the war, and received a lot of care and ‘charity’ during those terrible years. She went on to establish a very successful company and has spent many years now giving away vast sums of money to help others.

Her explanation for her generosity was that she had been the recipient of help and now she wanted to help others.

Those folks who helped her all those decades ago are like the wee boy who gave his picnic lunch to Jesus to share with over 5,000 people. It seemed ludicrously small and yet it fed the entire crowd and left bits and pieces to be gathered up for another time. 

So with the gifts given to Steve Shirley as a small girl. Perhaps to the givers they seemed small, a drop in the ocean of need. Yet all these years later the harvest is coming in for others in need. 

Nothing is too small to give to God. He can do anything with it. Generosity matters, however little can be afforded.

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