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Saturday 12 October 2013

Reflected Glory

Jesus is the Son of God. He is the source of light. To my mind, he is like the sun.
When I go to him in prayer or the Bible, it is like sun bathing. As I relax in his presence, in the light of his glory and righteousness, I absorb something of him. Not only does his presence change me, but hopefully he is able to continue radiating peace and light and hope through me to others, much as the moon absorbs the light of the sun and then shines as a sort of secondary source of light during the hours of darkness.
Jesus invites everyone to come to him and absorb the light of his love and life, but some people continue to make do in the darkness, navigating by the light of the moon. The trouble is, the moon isn't always out. Sometimes it is hidden. Sometimes it isn't fully there, just as sometimes believers obscure the truths of Jesus by substandard behaviour or words.
My prayer is that everyone reading this will long for the full strength light of Jesus, lingering long enough in his presence through the Bible or concentrated prayer to absorb the light for themselves, and not depend on the erratic shining of one of his lesser moons.
May God bless you all today.Jesus

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