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Monday 31 August 2015


Anxiety over Monday’s demands gripped Don and he couldn’t sleep. Tossing and turning, his movements disturbed my sleep and soon we both lay side by side thinking of today’s schedules.

He turned on the radio as a distraction, muttering he hoped it wasn’t the farming programme. But it’s the farming programme which most effectively puts us both back to sleep, so I didn’t mind. Two minutes into whatever it was, the power cut it off. 

The next half hour was disturbed with Don trying to isolate the problem, which fortunately wasn’t a total power cut to the whole house. Instead, at first we thought it was an overloaded socket which tripped the switch, but couldn’t find one. There must be a hidden danger behind the walls somewhere which caused the safety switch to cut the power and until the expert arrives, it will remain dead at those outlets.

Good analogy for our plans for Monday, I remarked. Hidden dangers. Overloaded expectations. This tripped switch tripped something in our common sense and caused us to rethink plans. 

For I know the plans I have for you, God says in Jeremiah. Plans for good, not to harm you but to prosper you. Sometimes God speaks through physical circumstances.

God is the expert in our lives. 

I think we heard him this morning at 5 am.

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