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Wednesday 11 April 2018

Over to You

If I were an artist, I would attempt to paint the picture the Lord gave me a couple of weeks ago, of the stagecoach being dragged wildly over rough terrain, pulled this way and that by six or eight untamed horses, with a driver crazily distracted and aware that there was a cliff somewhere up ahead. Suddenly Another was beside him, taking the reins, calmly taking charge and reassuring the driver that He knew where the cliff was and He was in charge. That picture so filled me, the erstwhile driver, with peace for the day’s tasks.

This morning He reminded me that this is the day that he has made. Last night a message came in for something for Mom which filled me with fear and required midnight Skypes. With Mhairi’s help, it is resolved this morning, though there remains in me a frisson of unease because there is another element to the story which remains unresolved.

But this is the day that the Lord has made. He is in charge of my circumstances, of Mom’s circumstances. He has the reins. If I allow him to drive this, I should be able to enjoy an exhilarating ride and not be driven by fears and forebodings.

I have said that if I have a regret, it is that I am not more adventurous and less timid and easily frightened by heights, speeds, water, whatever. Perhaps this is the day, when the Lord is inviting me to enjoy the adventure with him, not anticipating disaster, but revelling in the moment.

Thank you, Lord, for entrusting this to me, and may my squeals be ones of delight and joy, not fear. Over to you.

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