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Monday 14 September 2020

Creation Care


Creation care. I want to stop being distracted by Covid-19 and a certain election and get back to working on reducing my impact on this planet. I missed a lot of David Attenborough’s presentation last night, but what I saw was enough to break my heart and make me say again, without God’s help, we just can’t do it!

With God’s help, I might just remember to take my own containers when I go to the supermarket, because they will put fish and meat into my containers without using plastic. I’m disappointed that the farmer’s market in Scott Skinner’s Square is selling its berries in the same sort of plastic packaging from the supermarket: next Saturday I’m going to ask if I can decant what I buy into my own container and leave them to refill the plastic box. There are so many things needing addressing…

I’ve made my own laundry soap from an olive oil soap bar and soda crystals. It seems to work just as well as the other stuff. I bought the olive oil soap in Rhodes: could I sneak back out there to buy supplies? 😉

Recently, I purchased liquid castile soap, which I mixed with lemon juice, tea tree oil and vinegar to create a dishwasher soap. I’m not so excited about the results. The dishwasher smells lovely as the castile soap is lavender scented, but I’m not convinced the dishes are as clean.

Joey suggested it may require more packaging to buy in the various ingredients than it would to bulk buy an eco-friendly alternative. She could be right.

Nothing is straightforward. Save on one thing, spend on another. But the earth can’t afford us to be spending anymore on its welfare, so any ideas are welcome.

Creation care. It’s time we all cared passionately about this beautiful world we inhabit, and took some trouble to do something about it. Note to self.

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