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Tuesday 18 May 2021

Action Stations


As I stared out the window, lost in thought about the injustices which I’ve heard about this morning on the radio, in messenger and in my inbox, I became aware of a riot of almost invisible bugs swirling and swarming wildly beneath the cherry tree. What are they? Fodder for the swallows and bats? Do they have any greater purpose in life than providing nutrition for the creatures further up the food chain? No idea.

The world is in a chaotic and confused state. Nobody really knows how effective any one of the vaccines is long-term or in the face of mutating viruses. Gather together again? Travel? Venture out without a mask? Hug a friend?

In the midst of global pandemic, nations create more crises. They squeeze up against each other in violent aggression. Wars and rumours of wars. Injustices on every side.

The temptation is to allow one’s boiling blood to paralyse action. What can I do? Still under demi-lockdown, I can fire off emails, sign petitions, attend seminars to better educate myself to the truth of situations. I can be a voice for the voiceless, to the best of my ability. So can you.

That’s what love does. It steps up and speaks up. James wrote, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”

May God give us all wisdom to pray and act for those suffering injustice, oppression, and brutality, in all its diabolical forms.

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