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Tuesday 1 February 2022

Wind, wind


 Wind, wind, blow on me … .

Yet again, the wild wind whistles through cracks and imperfect door seals. Moaning and wailing a sad story. I hear it as a sad story, but is it?

When I was born again in 1979, my favourite spiritual chorus was, ‘Wind, wind, blow on me ...’ The wind of the Spirit had whooshed through my being, blown out the dead detritus and filled me with the light and life of Jesus Christ. It was powerful, and its effect was instantaneous. I stepped out of that church a new creation.

The wind was both powerful and gentle. A kiss of life, the breath of God filling my lungs and prompting my praise. Rebirth.

As we donned coats, in the dark, to go out for dinner last night, hope had faded of power being restored. The flashing hazard lights of the trucks bringing the engineers to pick up the fallen wires  and reconnect us, had gone. Nothing but darkness down the road. The joiner working here thought they weren’t engineers anyway, but tree surgeons dealing with the fallen wood. We’d given up hope of having power restored and readied ourselves for another dark night.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Opening the back door, I saw that our back porch light was on. Nobody was there. I went to the front door. Nobody was there. The bell rang because the power had been restored.

The bell rang because the power had been restored. I was at a low ebb when the Holy Spirit blew on me and filled me with new life. I bounced back up the road to share the good news with Don. I was a ringing, clanging (possibly irritating?) bell for many weeks – maybe I still am.

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. Praise God that he has shone his light into this world through the sacrificial love of his Son Lord Jesus Christ. Praise him for the new life we can all step into. I am so grateful.

So, okay. Wind, wind, blow on me … wind, wind, set me free. In Jesus I am free indeed, and the darkness is as light.


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