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Sunday 28 May 2023

End of a Journey


Daylight lingers at 9 pm, and I know I am back in Scotland. I was, indeed, delayed, but by the grace of God I arrived in Aberdeen Thursday morning: British Airways computers crashed Thursday afternoon and thousands more were stranded on planes, in concourses, without luggage, without alternatives.

I’ve now heard my first cuckoo of spring. Yes, I know they are nasty birds, but I love their distinctive call. Maybe because it is so distinctive. Despite my efforts at identifying the songs of other birds, I lag behind. But the cuckoo I can identify.

I call up the stairs to Don. A simple request, uttered four times, increasingly louder, and slower. I hear his footsteps coming to the banister. ‘Pardon?’

Those who have ears to hear, let them hear.

I am down to tell the junior church about the still small voice of God. So I’ve been thinking a lot about his voice. There are no hearing aids for that small voice, digital or otherwise. I could be profoundly deaf and still hear his still, small voice.

Perhaps I would hear it better, as all the distractions would be silenced.

Sharpen my inner ear today, Lord, that I may hear your sweet words of encouragement, correction, and guidance. Thank you that even though my spiritual hearing is often dull, yet you persevere speaking without any inflection of impatience or irritation.

May I show the same grace to others whose physical hearing might be waning. And may I clearly hear and obey today and every day.


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