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Friday 5 April 2013

An Hour Apart

My feet are numb with cold, having been the kick-off person in our monthly Prayer Room – which was unheated. In zero degrees, that represents a significant distraction.

However, I spent half the time meditating on the many names and titles of Jesus, which was amazing. To think, for instance, that I can call the Alpha and the Omega by his first name, Jesus, when I couldn’t even call the Queen by her first name – wow. That is some privilege, which I often take for granted.

Studies recently have revealed that our thought patterns have a physical effect on the wiring in our brains, so that if we are normally critical, for instance, our brains will be wired to take us down those familiar paths. We can change those paths, though, with God’s help. We can make decisions to reject negative thought patterns and every time we do that, and allow God to shape our thought patterns, our brains are re-wired. 

Sometimes when I am worshiping God my brain actually hurts. I wonder if he is rewiring it? I hope so. In fact, I believe he is.

Scripture tells us we have the mind of Christ. I am excited this morning to think that this is more than just encouraging words or wishful thinking, but could be a physical truth as we relax and rest in Jesus. As we reject the negative and choose the positive, turn away from the discouragement and towards the encouragement, see the good and not the evil, our brains are being changed.

My feet are warming up. It was a small price to pay for that precious hour apart. Have a wonderful day, and let the Lord rewire your brain to be the way he intended it to be.

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