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Friday 12 April 2013

Stepping stones

It’s my birthday today, and I’ve just been thinking of all those that have gone before – birthdays, I mean! It would be lovely to have a list of what I did on my birthday every year, kind of like a ladder. 

I would love to have my memory jogged to recall in better detail those beautifully decorated doll cakes my mother made on the alternate years when we had parties. I’d love to cast my eye down the list of names of friends and family with whom I celebrated, and remember.

I remember a few clearly. The early teen year when my friend Linda and I, whose birthdays were one day apart, thought we were gathering with a group of girlfriends to go ice skating, only to be ‘kidnapped’ by my mother and others and taken to the Camp Fire Girls day camp where we camped overnight, cooking dinner over an open fire and sleeping in pup tents. Memorable and fun.

My 21st was spent in Stirling where I was an exchange student for a year. Three friends and I ate dinner in a Chinese restaurant together – it felt a little dull and anticlimactic. 

On my 40th, we had a party and danced to the sounds of the 60s, which was wonderful.

Today I will celebrate with one son and his wife coming up for the weekend, and we shall all go to another son and his wife’s new home tomorrow for lunch. I’m also meeting my sister in law for a coffee and scone, and was out for dinner last night with close friends. It’s amazing to be made to feel special.

Every year, April 12th is a stepping stone through my life towards its climax. I’m thinking of Jacob’s ladder, the story in the Bible where Jacob has a dream of a ladder joining earth to heaven, with angels going up and down on it. When he awakens he exclaims, ‘God was in this place and I didn’t know.’ Then he builds an altar there and worships.

God has been with me on every step through my life, and sometimes I didn’t notice. Jesus was criticised by the more serious religious types for spending too much time eating and drinking – at parties. Celebrations are God’s specialty, and I like to think that as I get closer to the top of my ladder, I am approaching my eternal home where there is plenty of singing and dancing, and everybody is special. 

So today, as I intersperse various jobs that need doing with moments of sharing and making new memories, I will reflect on those steps that went before – the ones I can recall. I will delight as I open cards and receive good wishes from loved ones near and far. And I will be awe-struck that despite the billions of people alive now and who have gone before, God made me unique, a one-off, and to him I am special. 

As are you.

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