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Monday 8 April 2013

Everything Beautiful

Walking Dusty this morning, I was thinking of a dear friend of mine whose family has been torn apart by division. A family of many broken hearts. My friend is a lovely praying believer and it just doesn’t seem fair.

But then I thought of God’s promise, that he makes everything beautiful in its time. It may not happen in our time. She may never know the reconciliation for which she longs, during this lifetime. But in the course of eternity, she will be given the vision to see the beauty which God has salvaged and created from times of the most incomprehensible pain. 

I know she will see the beauty, in time, but I’m not sure if everyone in the broken family will appreciate it, because of the choices they make. Because I’ve still been thinking about the way we think, the things we choose to think about, and how those thought patterns become engraved in the physical routings of our brains so that we eventually do have the mind of Christ, or the opposite. If we consistently resist making choices which lead our thoughts upwards, and instead choose to dwell on the ugly, the evil, the seamy side of life, then our minds become dark and closed. We are unable to even perceive the possibility of things being as God has ordained, because we have grooves in our minds which lead everywhere else but to God. 

Another dear friend once painted a calligraphy for me which is of a verse from Paul’s letter to the Philippians, in which he counsels his readers to train their minds to think about things of beauty and life and light. I’m beginning to appreciate the holistic cohesion of mind, body and spirit, and see the importance of that advice even more clearly.

May your day be filled with encouraging thoughts and positive feelings, so that little by little, yours becomes the mind of Christ. It is an offer open to us all.

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