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Wednesday 21 May 2014

Scottish Bluebells

What’s in a name?

I’ve learned that bluebells are not always blue. For years I’ve loved the carpets of blue, white and pink bells which sprout in the woods at this season, but I have wondered if they are, in fact, Scottish bluebells or just some weed masquerading (quite beautifully I must say) as such. 

When someone brought me a handful of the delicate flowers the other day she asked me if they were all bluebells, so I googled it. What else does one do these days? And how did we survive before google?

Turns out that bluebells do come in those three colours, and it all depends on the soil. Now that’s kind of weird as these clumps are all growing together in the same soil, and yet varieties of colours, but that’s not my point today.

I met someone this week named Attila, and though that word naturally attracts the soubriquet, ‘the Hun’, to it, this guy is certainly nothing like the brutal savage I think of when I think of ‘the Hun’. What’s in a name?

Well, God’s names in the Bible are many and varied and each one reveals a different aspect of his wonderful character. El Shaddai, Jehovah Raffah, Jehovah Jireh, Immanuel. Lord God Almighty, the Lord that Heals, the Lord will Provide, God with us. 

His names are not misleading but revealing. We are blessed to have a Lord who wants us to know him and gives us every clue and opportunity. 

He’s not like a white or pink Bluebell. Oh no.

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