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Wednesday 22 January 2014

Power Failure

Power failed this afternoon at our place. It was perfect. Long enough to get the candles out and appreciate seeing things in a different light. Long enough to sit down together and read by candlelight. Long enough to just sit, and relax.

But within about an hour the lights were up and running again. Back to the computer. Into the kitchen to cook dinner, put on the dishwasher. The heating came on at the right time so the house was warming up when the B&B guests arrived. They could shower in the electric shower. After dinner we could watch TV – first an episode of Cheers (still good after all those years), then a few minutes of the day’s news. 

It’s amazing how dependent we are on electricity. It’s good to be reminded of our dependency by losing it for a short spell.

It’s amazing how dependent we are on power from God. We never lose it, but we often live as if we have no access to it. We prefer our independence, little realizing how puny the results of our lives are when lived in our own power, and not in the power of God.

A different perspective. 

Revealing my deep need for power from above.

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