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Thursday 10 April 2014

Low Battery

First the warning flashed up on this iPad. Low battery. Only 10% left. And an option to dismiss the notice. Which I did, and continued to work.

Then it flashed up again. Low battery. Only 5% left. Again I dismissed it, but then thought better of it and plugged in, so that now I am working while tethered to the electrical outlet.

How often do we get notices in our bodies that we are running nearly on empty, and dismiss the warnings?  Sometimes I act as if I am immortal and can keep pushing on without suffering any repercussions. Occasionally I discover that isn't true, like I have recently with my back pain situation. How much easier it would have been had I not pressed on trying to,do something when I wasn't feeling that great? Perhaps I'd never have injured my back and be sitting fat and happy now! Well, note to self, next time I have a virus I will leave the empty coal scuttle for Don!

How often do we ignore the signals that our spiritual batteries are running perilously close to empty too? We whisper a word or two to God and carry on. It's pretty bad...not just because it hurts us and our impact in the world, but what sort of message does it send to God, our Lord and Saviour? It's a message of dismissal, that though we would love to talk with him we just have more important business to attend to today.

Like what? Like what is more important?

So important to recharge regularly. Not going to dismiss that warning today. So, over and out.

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