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Sunday 27 April 2014

This is the Day

This is the day that the Lord has made.

Recently I heard of someone who had chosen an arbitrary number of years which he felt might be the length of his life. He did the sums and calculated how many days that left him to accomplish those things which he had on his bucket list.

He then gathered that number of pebbles and put them into a large jar, and every morning he solemnly moves one out of that jar and into what started out as an empty jar.

It’s a sobering reminder that our lives on earth in this form are not immortal, and that we do have a finite number of days in which to do those things which we – which God – has prepared for us to do.

I don’t know about you, but without a plan, I find it very easy to fritter away minutes, hours, and days, without accomplishing things which I do feel I want to do.

This is the day that the Lord has made. Whatever this day holds, it is the only day that I can be sure I have, and it’s important that I make the most of it.

I’m not sure I’ll go as far as a jar of stones – I’m afraid I’d be shocked at how small it might be! But I do intend to embrace each day as a gift to be enjoyed and used completely.

God bless you as you use your day well, too.

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