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Thursday 10 July 2014

You are blessed

“You are blessed because you believed that the Lord would do what he said.”

Those were the words of Elizabeth to Mary, mother of Jesus, who had just rushed over to share her news with her ‘relative’ – cousin? Sister? Not sure.

Mary had just been given the startling and rather shocking news that she would be the mother of Jesus, and she had reacted with humility and a willing spirit to be available to be used for God’s own purposes.

Mary had the advantage of the appearance of an angel in her room, so that what the Lord was saying to her wasn’t really open to debate nor did it require a step of faith to believe it was the Lord who was speaking. But still, the implications were serious and life-changing, yet she stepped into them with grace and love.

Not everyone would have reacted to Mary’s news as Elizabeth did. Most would have assumed she had become pregnant in the usual way and was just being creative with her excuses. But Elizabeth, also, was walking with the Lord, close enough to be filled with his Spirit and given knowledge and understanding beyond the natural. 

I am challenged by this story. I am challenged not to jump to conclusions, not to be cynical, and to be walking close enough to the Lord that I hear his whispers and believe that he will do what he has said.

I know he told me years ago that one particular book which I have written would be published, and I agreed to give him any money which that would raise. Over the years I’ve made all the usual efforts to get it into the right place to be selected for publication, but as yet it has not been published. 

I am considering going digital, and/or print on demand. Should I?

Do I believe that he will do what he said?

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