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Wednesday 17 January 2018

Clear the Cache

I do thank God for the cheerful help and skills of my son Douglas. After the disappearance of my website, he has intervened and retrieved and liaised with the web hosting folks, and it is now up and running again. His last instruction to me on the subject was that I just needed to clear the cache on my laptop and I’d be able to see it again.

Pardon? I understand that the cache is the computer’s memory of where I’ve been surfing, but clearing it? Very pleased to report that I googled it, followed the directions, cleared the cache and voila! There was my website.

It strikes me that it would have been a handy button for God to have included in our design spec. How often our lives are blighted by memories of where we’ve been or what has happened to us: wouldn’t it be great if we could ‘clear the cache’ and move on? 

Or would it? However painful and appalling memories are, in the hands of our loving Father he can redeem something of good from them. I don’t say this lightly. I am sure I would struggle to believe that statement if I had been abused, trafficked, beaten, neglected ... But I still think it is true.
Jesus came to set the captive free, and that includes those who are imprisoned by a cache of dreadful memories. 

Praying that though our ‘caches’ can never be cleared, they would all be redeemed through the love of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit, so that from those caches can sprout new insights, new compassion, new understanding, new strength.

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