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Wednesday 29 April 2020

Old Music

The music is yellowed with time. Dog-eared and torn. Old Sellotape perished long ago, leaving a crusty swatch.

Pencilled in fingering, written above the notes by Mr MacKenzie, my cello teacher over fifty years ago. My goodness! Over fifty years ago. I performed this in an annual music festival in high school. I played much better then than I can play now, but still, it is strangely comforting to link with my younger self, with a life that faded long ago.

Then I remember a piece by heart. Tarantella. A speedy dance, full of life and exuberance. I start out robustly, confidently, but after a few minutes I hit a wall. I can’t remember that next bit. I can’t find the music. Maybe tomorrow I’ll remember it.

Because tomorrow I will unpack my old friend, my cello which has been with me since the age of 9, and I will try again.

I didn’t launch straight into Vocalise, though. First I tuned the instrument. Not bad, considering I hadn’t played in a few months. Then I warmed up with some scales, some arpeggios, various bowing styles. Only once I’d warmed up did I attempt the piece of music.

After a time of nostalgic wandering through corridors of half-remembered musical pieces, my fingertips, now un-calloused, began to sting a bit. My bowing arm ached a little. Time to wind up.
So, I let my spirit soar as I played through some of the current praise music, which can be so uplifting. I worshiped with my cello, struggling through a few I didn’t know so well, but ending with King of Kings, Majesty. My heart sang with my cello, praising my God and King.

I am so grateful to my parents for the financial sacrifices they made so that my sister and I could learn to play the violin and cello. I am so grateful to God for giving me a love of music and a slight aptitude in it.

Music is a tonic. It is a balm for the hurting heart and a comfort in times of trouble. It is a joy which brings a smile to my face even now as I think of the unalloyed pleasure it brings. I first encountered Jesus through the heartfelt singing of believers who loved their Lord. There he was in the midst of their praise, and I met him.

May your day be filled with music, lifting you out of fear and frustration, anxiety and sorrow, and filling you with the peace of God which passes all understanding. May you sense his love and joy as you warm up by reminding yourself of who he is, the faithful, everlasting Lord.

And then may your spirit soar in praise and worship.

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