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Tuesday 25 March 2014


So, nearly a week in, the jet lag should have relented by now and left me feeling energetic and perky. Hmm.

I can't believe how fast the week has passed, juggling between fun outings with Mhairi and Mom, and fraught innings going through piles of mail lobbying for this and that but basically preying on the fears of people in order to draw financial support their way. I feel very protective and have printed out 80 letters, signed them and stuffed the envelopes ready for stamps and sending away to every cause from fear of loss of liberty to blindness. I only hope the recipients take this address off their lists.

The common denominator of them all is fear. Fear is the enemy of all that is good. It is the enemy of peace, of love, of joy, of commitment.

Do not be afraid, Jesus said. The Bible records those words of God 366 times, once for every day in a leap year. God knows us. He knows our weakness is to be apprehensive, to peer ahead fearfully and wonder what is coming next.

In my current situation, I could give way to fear, but I am so aware that Jesus has it all in hand. Trust in me, he urges. I have done it in the past, and I know him to be a trustworthy friend.

So tonight, I have stopped juggling. The enemy of faith is not doubt but fear, and I am resolved to lie down and sleep in peace.

How about you?

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